
Kids’ Classic Readers 3-1 The Fox and the Stork with Hybrid CD-1片


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底下是 Kids’ Classic Readers 3-1 The Fox and the Stork with Hybrid CD-1片 的內容簡介

The Fox and the Stork Level 3-1

A fox and a stork are friends. One day, the stork goes to the fox's house. The fox gives the stork some food, but the stork can't eat it. The fox thinks this is funny. Then the stork thinks of an idea. He will show the fox how the same trick博客來書局網路書店 feels.

Early readers will help their reading skills grow with these simple retellings of well-loved classics.


  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2016/04/08
  • 語言:英文

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