
Macmillan(Advanced)-American Stories


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底下是 Macmillan(Advanced)-American Stories 的內容簡介

British and American English

A collection of classic and modern stories by some of America's finest writers. The collection brings together six stories which explore the development of the American short story over the past century - from a fierce critique of modern suburban family life to isolation and lost love in the deep mid-west.

Includes stories by Dorothy Parker, Theodore Dreiser, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Patricia Highsmith, O. Henry and Edith Wharton.

* The Gift of the Magi-- by O. Henry.

A young couple exchange Christmas gifts.

* The Lost Phoebe-- by Theodore Dreiser.

An old man cannot accept the loss of his wife.

* The Baby Party-- by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

A child's party has unexpected consequences.

* You Were Perfectly Fine-- by Dorothy Par博客來網路書局ker.

A young man hears of his adventures on an evening out.

* The Romantic-- by Patricia Highsmith.

A lonely woman finds a new way to create romance.

* Full Circle-- by Edith Wharton.

Fortune leads two writers down opposite roads.

Answer keys and further support are available from the Macmillan Readers student's site:

  • 編者:Lesley Thompson/Ceri Jones
  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2009/05/07
  • 語言:英文

商品網址: Macmillan(Advanced)-American Stories






蘇巧慧說, 雖然從清晨到深夜都卡在立法院,但她期待以久的鶯歌永昌里「巧氣球」暑期親子活動,再度請出她的超級助理蘇貞昌來和大家同樂。「看看他,真的是做什麼都很認真!衝衝衝!!衝下去啦~」。蘇貞昌手上的氣球娃娃還做成蘇巧慧「慧慧慧」的樣子,相當有趣可愛。



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